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Saturday, September 27, 2014


  Another reason to eat real food, the large food companies have learned a few things from the cigarette companies, mainly how to manipulate ingredients and make their products (I won't call them food) highly addictive. A chicken sandwich at Carl's Jr. has over 100 ingredients (most of these are not really good for you or remotely food related). General Mills strawberry fruit snacks don't even contain strawberries. I bet you can't even pronounce most of the ingredients.

  This mass consumption of these chemical laced fake foods can lead to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, alzheimer's, etc.....

  What can you do?  Fight with your pocket book. Buy real food, support your farmers market, shop at a local food co-op, grow a garden. Not only will you be healthier but you will also have peace of mind knowing that you are not poisoning your loved ones.

best of health,


Saturday, September 13, 2014

Brain Health

New Info on Brain Health

  The cost of alzheimer's disease  in the US is now over $250 billion per year. It is the most expensive condition in the nation and also the fastest growing. Yet, it is preventable. Listen to the following podcast with Dr. David Perlmutter as he talks about the latest research and how you can prevent alzheimer's and other types of dementia. He shares recent research including Tufts School of Medicine that a high carbohydrate diet is associated with a 89% increased risk of dementia, while a high fat diet decreases your risk by 44%. If you are concerned with brain health and dementia please listen to the following interview.

 In addition to nutrition, exercise if one of the best things you can do for your brain (any type of exercise that you like).

best of health,
