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Saturday, January 31, 2015

Avoiding Dementia - Good News

 Dementia (Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, etc) is the fastest growing disease in America. I'm sure each of us knows someone who is afflicted. It can be a devastating not only to the person who has it but also to all of the friends and family. It will become the most costly disease in America due to the amount of care needed. How can you avoid it. 

BDNF (Growth Hormone for the Brain) - If you increase your levels you will decrease your risk for dementia. There are 3 primary ways to increase BDNF.

1. Exercise - 20 minutes per day. Whatever type you like as long as your heart rate is elevated. Walk, bike, swim, hike, dance, circuit weight train, etc. 

2. High DHA Fish Oil. Often referred to as high dose or pharmaceutical grade fish oil. Easy to find in health food stores or amazon. 

3. Probiotics and Prebiotics. Probiotics are good bacteria found in your GI tract. You can increase these levels by eating foods with live and active cultures (yogurt, kefir, kombucha, fermented foods and/or a probiotic supplement. Prebiotics are greens, garlic, onions, chicory root, inulin, etc. 

Watch the following Video

best of health, 


Friday, January 9, 2015

Healthy Fast Food

  I am sure most of you know how I feel about processed, junk, fast, packaged food. It is garbage. However, there are better options out there all the time. Carl's Jr now has a grass fed, no antibiotic, no hormone burger on its menu, and you can get it in a lettuce wrap if you ask. The Natural Burger has a good flavor, is juicy, and only about $2 more than the regular burger. So if you are in a rush and looking for a good healthy option try it out.

best of health,