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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Food of the Week - AVOCADO and AVOCADO OIL

  Avocado's are one of natures superfoods.
1. They contain primarily monounsaturated fats along with over 20 important nutrients including fiber, vitamin a, b vitamins, potassium (more than twice that of a banana). Diets high in monounsaturated fats have been shown to reduce belly fat.
2. Can raise HDL  cholesterol and lower triglycerides, both of which are very positive.
3. Monounsaturated fats help your mitochondria run more efficiently and help protect them from free radicals.
4. According to the CDC eating half an avocado a day was correlated to a higher dietary quality and 50% reduced rick of metabolic syndrome (pre-diabetes).
5. Avocado oil has the highest smoke point of any vegetable oil so it works great for high heat cooking.
6. Researchers at Ohio State found avocado oil improves the absorption of antioxidants found in vegetables. Great for salad dressings.
7. Fills you up. Avocado's work great with salads because they take longer to digest and help keep you satiated.

Best of Health,


Saturday, February 21, 2015

New CHOLESTEROL Guidelines from the FEDS

 Most of my blog posts are mainly information that will hopefully help you to improve your health. This one is very personal. Headline from the Washington Post this week "The US goverment is poised to withdraw longstanding warnings about cholesterol"

  Really? What's next. are they going to advise us to quit smoking.  Their low fat, high carbohydrate diet has precipitated a huge rise in obesity, diabetes, heart disease, alzheimer's, cancer, etc,.  My father had several of these conditions when he died and his quality of life was nonexistent. He ate the standard low fat high carbohydrate diet recommended by the American Heart Association and his health suffered for it, as did the health and wellness of  many others. Luckily for me, my mom did not buy into any of this B.S., I was raised on a diet of mostly unprocessed natural foods (fruits, veggies, grass fed beef, pastured eggs, fish, etc.), nothing that was processed or out of a box. Thank You Mom, my health is great.
  The internet can a very good educational tool, do your research and make your own decisions. If you blindly follow the advice on the USDA, AHA, ADA, etc., your health and quality of life will likely suffer. The system is very corrupt and controlled by large food and drug corporations. Your health is not their first priority, $$ is.

Take Control of your health. In the words of Michael Pollan "Eat Real Food, Not Too Much, Mostly Plants."

Here are some good resources related to nutrition and health.

best of health,

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Dr. Gundry Latest on Nutrition

  Most of you know Dr. Steven Gundry from past blogs and also his book "Dr. Gundry's Diet Evolution" written in 2009. Here is a book review I did in 2011, it remains one of my favorite health and nutrition books. 

  I listened to a great podcast with Dr. Gundry today and hopefully you will have a chance to listen to it. It covers a wide range of topics including:
- improving your health by eating food
- why the best diet is  low in carbs and protein, and high in FAT
- cholesterol, small ldl vs. big ldl, triglycerides
- eating egg yolks will raise HDL levels
- cholesterol has nothing to do with heart disease
- APOE4 (it is a genotype often referred to as the alzheimers gene)
   30% of the population have this gene and should avoid animal fats 
- never been a case of arthritis recorded before 10,000 years ago, what this means
- eat FAT

enjoy, below is the podcast

best of health,
