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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Teenager Loses 100 Pounds Eating Real Food

  Joshua Weissman was on obese teenager, which is more the norm today. He decided to take control of his health and lost over 100 pounds in about a year by eating real food and eating low carb. Listen to the following podcast, it is very inspiring.

The following link compares 23 studies on low carb and low fat diets related to weight loss and common risk factors like cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood sugar. The results speak for themselves.

Speaking of real food, utah  food co-op provides organic seasonal produce, pastured eggs, grass fed beef, gluten free foods, etc., at very good prices, much  provided by local family farms.

Hours are thurs 11-2, fri and sat 11-6.

Mention this blog and receive a free cocunut water.

best of health,


Saturday, January 11, 2014


  Researchers at Harvard and Stanford reviewed hundreds of studies and found that exercise benefits are better than prescription drugs related to mortality and morbidity of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity, etc. EXERCISE  is the best option to improve your health.
  Exercise can positively effect you body and brain in many positive ways.
1. Maintain Muscle Mass - very important for your metabolism, bone health, and preventing age related strength and function. Weight bearing exercise will reduce your risk of osteoporosis.
2. Brain Health - can reduce your risk of cognitive impairment by up to 50% by increasing blood flow and also stimulating neurogenesis (increased nerve cell production). Exercise can help decrease symptoms of mild to moderate forms of depression while also reducing stress and anxiety.
3. Heart and Lung Health - can improve the functioning of both your heart and lungs. Will also aid in diabetes (type 2) prevention, lower your risk of coronary heart disease, lower blood pressure, reduce bad cholesterol (LDL), and increase good cholesterol (HDL).

  Non Exercise Movement
Sitting is the new smoking. The more you sit, the poorer your health, and the earlier you may die even if you exercise regularly. Sitting stimulates and low gravity environment and your body deteriorates at a more rapid pace. What can you do?
1. Move - walk whenever you can.
2. Stand Up at Regular Intervals - Stand and Move at regular intervals when you are sitting for long periods of time.



Saturday, January 4, 2014



Tracking Morbidity and Mortality

   WHR is a measure of waist circumference relative to hip circumference. WHR is a significant predictor of morbidity and mortality related to type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, coronary heart disease, and certain types of cancer. This ratio is very easy to measure, waist measurement is typically taken right above the navel the hip measurement is the greatest circumference around the glutes. WHR values of greater than 0.9 for men and 0.85 for women are a very serious risk to your health. The more abdominal fat you have, the greater your risk. If you are trying to improve your health reducing, your WHR is a significant way to do it. 

   Most of the following books recommend to reduce your abdominal fat the number one thing you can do is reduce the amount of processed sugar, simple carbohydrates,  and all grains.

Brain Grain by Dr. David Perlmutter
Dr. Gundry's Diet Evolution
Wheat Belly by Dr. Davis
It Starts With Food by Dallas and Melissa Hartwig
In Defense of Food byMichael Pollan
Living Low Carb by Jonny Bowden PHD
The Whole Country of Sweden
etc, etc, etc

Good Health in 2014
