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Friday, May 20, 2011

Dr. Gundry's New Diet Evolution - Review (5 stars)

Dr. Gundry’s Diet Evolution - review

Dr. Gundry is a renowned infant heart transplant surgeon and inventor of some of the most widely used heart surgical devices. Now, through his Center for Restorative Medicine, he helps patients avoid cardiac and other surgical procedures by using nutrition to reverse heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis. By bridging the gap between Atkins, South Beach, and Ornish and combining the best of raw-foods and sugar-free plans, Dr. Gundry brings us to the next stage of diet evolution. Weight loss, weight control, health and longevity are all addressed.

Basic Premise - Hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, cancer, colitis, auto immune disorders are all diseases introduced with the western diet. If you take medications for high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, high cholesterol, depression, stomach acid, pain, or get stents or bypass surgery - you are covering up the signals that your killer genes have been activated.

Main Issues
Dietary sugar (or carbs) cause your body to release insulin which delivers sugar and other calories to cells for immediate energy production, this also signals the liver to convert excess sugar to fat for long term energy storage. - PROBLEM 1. (obesity, diabetes, heart disease, etc.)

Essential Fatty Acids - Omega 3 and Omega 6, essential means your body cannot manufacture and must get it from foods. Thousands of years ago humans at an apprx 1:1 ratio of 3 to 6. Now the ratio is close to 1:40. “this staggering increase results from the declining intake of vegetables and grass fed meat and the concurrent explosion in the use of corn oil and other grain-based oils and products whose fats are primarily omega-6 based. Even the fats in beef and chicken, which used to be heavily omega 3 based, are now in the omega-6 camp, thanks to feeding our livestock grain and soybeans....With our production of inflammatory hormones now forty times greater than the anti-inflammatory ones, what diseases and conditions would you expect to appear? How about arthritis, asthma, skin lesions like psoriasis, eczema, and autoimmune diseases like lupus, multiple sclerosis, and Chron’s. Ironically, we’re looking for the sinister cause of the staggering increase in childhood asthma, all the while stuffing our youngsters with refined grain products. Is it any wonder that we’re depressed, achy, and having our hips and knees replaced right and left? But, mounting evidence that high dose omega-3 therapy is effective in reversing many of these inflammatory conditions” p.39

Dr. Gundry recommends some basic medical tests
- blood pressure and heart rate, fasting glucose, fasting lipid panel, crp, etc.
- most important test is fasting insulin level

Dr. Gundry’s Nutritional Program has 3 Phases

1. Teardown Phase (weight loss kickstart)
protein foods (grass fed, free range for meat and poultry)
leafy greens and other veggies
nuts and seeds
NO sugar, refined grains, or processed foods
NO fruit for 2 weeks after which you can add back in berries and other selected varieties

2. Restoration Phase
increase veggies and decrease animal protein
nuts, seeds, berries, and certain other fruits in moderation

3. Longevity Phase
Calorie optimization - eating foods with the greatest micro-nutrient density and the least number of calories
veggies and plant micro-nutrients, raw foods
small amounts of animal protein

Dr. Gundy lists friendly and unfriendly foods for each stage, he also gives recipe and nutritional guidance for all individuals whatever you goals are. Program is very easy to follow. Whether you are interested in weight loss, health and longevity, disease prevention and treatment. He also recommends supplements based on your individual profile and needs. He is extremely well educated and his nutritional advice is relevant from both a common sense and scientific thesis.

This book can be read in a day or two. It is in paperback or download for $10-15. I highly recommend it, It has more info on nutrition and longevity than I have learned in 40+ years and it will definitely improve your health and well being. It is available as download or paperback for $12-15, it is well worth the $$.

thanks, emmett


Helen Wenley said...

Great review. I read Diet Evolution earlier this year and began the program in August with my husband after he had a heart bypass operation. My husband has released 34lbs so far with more to go. His triglycerides are now at a normal level. I have dropped one dress size and 3 inches from my waist. I am feeling younger! It is a great program and the thing that my hubby loves the most is that he doesn't get hungry and has more energy.

anthea said...

Really nice review! My sister and her partner have had great results on this diet. I'm ready to try it. btw, is it okay if I share your review on my blog? This is me: