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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Cell Phone Dangers!

There is an influx of recent research on cell phones and possible health problems they create. In addition to the obvious problem of auto accidents if texting and talking while driving, there are other potential issues, some of which are preventable.
1. cell phones emit electromagnetic radiation in microwave range which is a possible carcinogen
2. cell phone radiation has a high correlation between low testosterone levels and cell phone carried in pocket

what to do
1. use a headset or speakerphone
2. keep you phone out of your pocket and at least 6 inches away from your body (another benefit to texting rather than talking)
3. limit children's usage (they have thinner skulls and are at more vulnerable while their brains are developing)
4. don't chat with a poor signal or with a low battery (the harder you phone has to work the more radiation it emits)
5. obviously don't text while driving and only talk with a hands
free setup.

best of health

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