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Thursday, June 26, 2014

EAT more FAT!

  The latest time magazine cover  "Eat Butter",  is the war on fat over? For the past half century saturated fat and cholesterol have been vilified as the primary cause of heart disease. During that time Americans have gone from 30% overweight to almost 80% overweight. The experts got it wrong. Fat is not the problem. Processed foods, sugar, refined carbohydrates, processed carbohydrates, anything that immediately breaks down into sugar is the problem. Over consumption of refined carbohydrates leads to type II diabetes, heart disease, dental disease, autoimmune problems. dementia, alzheimer's, cancers, etc.

The  fat you really need to avoid is trans fat (artificial fat). If you see the word hydrogenated this means trans. You won't find trans fat in REAL food. Vegetable oils are also a problem. They are often processed to trans fats by hydrogenating them at high temps. They also are made from genetically modified crops such as corn, soy, canola, etc. They contain high amounts of Omega 6 fatty acids which can lead to inflammation and other health problems. You need saturated fat (animal fat, coconut oil, shellfish) and cholesterol for hormone production as well as the health of you brain, nervous system, and immune system. Monounsaturated fat (think olive oil, nuts, seeds, etc.) provides protection from heart disease and several types of cancer. Omega 3 fatty acids found in fish are very important to your brain health (wild salmon, krill oil, cold water fish oil). Omega 3 fatty acids found in nuts and seeds (chia and flax seeds especially) can help maintain a normal metabolism.

  The answer is to eat REAL,  unprocessed food. Eat fruits and vegetables, organic if you are eating the skin. Eat animal products that are wild caught, grass fed, pastured, etc. Cows, buffalo, elk, etc.  are herbivores, they are meant to eat grass, not corn and soy. Buy grass fed whenever possible. Fish are meant to eat bugs, worms, algae, etc., buy wild caught fish. If you don't have access to wild caught fish buy high potency fish or krill oil, this is a great source of omega 3 fatty acids. Chickens are omnivores, they are meant to eat bugs, seeds, grass, whatever they can scratch up, buy pastured eggs (from chickens that are out in the fields). Eat a variety of nuts and seeds, organic if possible. Eat coconut, it is extremely healthy and tasty, eat only organic grass fed butter, yogurt and kefir. Drink only grass fed, organic milk, or substitute almond or coconut milk.


best of health,


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