PRIMAL Health Coaching

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Thursday, December 31, 2015


Courtesy of Dr. Perlmutter

best of health,


Saturday, December 26, 2015


  The negative physical impact of sitting is very well established.

  There is increasing evidence that sitting for prolonged periods can have a negative impact on your mood and mental health. Your brain depends on good blood and oxygen supply, and optimal glucose metabolism in order to function at an optimal level. Prolonged sitting hinders all these.

  Intermittent Movement is the answer. Try not to sit continuously  longer than 30 minutes. It is easy to accomplish when you plan for it. Stand up, do some squats, side lunges, walk up and down the stairs, convert to a standing desk.

best of health,

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Restaurant Review - RUSTIC CHICKEN

 Rustic Chicken is a new farm to family restaurant that has recently opened in Cottonwood Heights, Utah. It serves natural organic food that caters to  paleo, vegetarian, and vegan dietary plans.  The food is organic, has NO hormones  antibiotics,  steroids, trans fat, artificial colors and flavors, or other chemicals. The chicken is also cage free. It has a variety of menu items including soups, salads, sandwiches, veggie side dishes, chicken dishes and tofu dishes.

  There are many reasons to support organic restaurants including:
Better Flavor
More Nutrient Dense Foods
Support Family Farmers
Less Chemicals in the Air, Water, Soil, and our Minds and Bodies
Reduce Pollution

give it a try,

Best of Health

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


 Recent studies have found salmon fraud in many eateries. Farmed salmon being mislabeled as wild salmon. Wild Caught definitely has more nutritional value due to its higher levels of omega 3 fatty acids and lower levels of pollutants (mercury, etc.). Alaskan salmon is wild caught, Atlantic is farmed.

 If you are ordering salmon or other fish in a restaurant or market it is helpful to know where they buy the fish and what part of the world it came from.

Another way to find wild caught, sustainable seafood is seafoodwatch:  their phone app is fantastic.

best of health,

Friday, November 20, 2015

What to Eat on Thanksgiving

1. What to eat. Veggies, Fruit, Turkey, Fish, and any of the options below.

Here are the main contributors to empty calories.


Healthier Stuffing for any Diet.

 Gluten Free




Mashed Potato Alternatives - here are 3 options to significantly lower your carb consumption.


No healthy alternatives here - SKIP

4. Deserts

best of health,


Monday, November 9, 2015


Here are some of the main health benefits of quitting sugar.

1. Lose Body Fat

2. Reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes, cancer, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, dental decay, among other health issues. Below is a great video by Dr. Robert Lustig detailing many of these health issues (Sugar: the Bitter Truth.) Long Video

3. Improve your brain health. Reduce your risk of alzheimer's and dementia. (short video)

How to Quit - Here are some resources to help.

best of health,

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


 Fastest growing disease in the US is Alzheimer's disease.  #1 thing you can do for prevention is exercise on a consistent basis.  The latest research shows that at least 150 minutes per week of a combination of aerobic exercise and strength training can reduce your risk by up to 50%. What type is best? Whatever you like (swimming, biking, hiking, tennis, etc.) 150 minutes is easy to accomplish, try 30 minutes per day x 5 days per week or 50 minutes per day x 3 days per week.

  Exercise helps to decrease inflammation in the brain, as well as increasing blood flow. Below is a shot video explaining how exercise can increase neurogenesis (growth of new brain cells).

best of health,

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


  There are several biological mechanism's by which protein can help you lose weight.
These include
1. decreasing the effect of your hunger hormone (ghrelin)
2. increasing the number of calories burned through the digestive process (thermic effect of food)
3. helping you maintain muscle mass, which will improve your metabolism.
4. decreasing your cravings and late night snacking (the attached article has some interesting study results)

If you are trying to lose weight 30-40% of your total calories should come from protein.
For overall good health and longevity 10-20% is generally ideal.

best of health,

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


  Intermittent Fasting (IF) is a simple dietary strategy that can help you lose belly fat, gain lean mass, and improve the overall health for your body and brain. IF is about the timing of how you eat, not what you eat. IF involves eating within a certain time period and then fasting for a certain time period.  The benefits also include decreased insulin levels, and increased growth hormone levels which can lead to fat loss and muscle gain. IF has been shown to reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer, dementia,  alzheimers disease, and slow the cellular ageing process. Studies with rats have shown that IF can dramatically increase your lifespan. In a nutshell IF can improve your quality of life and increase your longevity.

  There are several ways to incorporate IF into your lifestyle.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

YOGA Benefits

  I recently started Yoga training once a week. It is hard both physically and mentally, but I feel like a fantastic by the end of class. Researchers and starting to study the many benefits of Yoga.

-improve mobility and flexibility
-increased muscle strength
-improved balance
-improved posture
-improved breathing and respiration
-injury prevention
-stress management
-improved mood
-improves sleep

add some variety to your fitness routine, give it a try

if you live in the salt lake area try Schole Yoga,, which has classes at XCEL Fitness as well as seminars around the valley.

best of health,

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Healthy Food on a Budget

   Thrive Market is a new business that offers organic, unprocessed, healthy vegan, paleo, all natural, low carb, etc., food at 25-50% off retail prices (over 4000 products). Their mission is to make healthy living easy and affordable. If you want to eat healthier and spend less $$ check out the following link, it comes with a 2 month trial and $10 off your first order.

best of health,

Friday, May 8, 2015

BRAIN MAKER - Dr. Perlmutter

  The author of Brain Grain has a new book out and it is very empowering, based on the latest science and research. The basic premise is, Heal Your Gut, Heal Your Brain. Dr. Perlmutter makes the complex connection between optimal gut health and a highly functioning brain as you age. He is able to impart this information in a very understandable and actionable way.

  Hippocrates stated "all disease begins in the gut." This book expands on that topic. Each of us has 100 trillion microbes which occupy our inside and out. Their health largely determines our health. If you or anyone you know has allergies, asthma, ADHD, cancer, diabetes, or dementia (alzheimer's) you definitely want to read this book. Gut microbes are involved in a wide variety of actions including immune function, inflammation, neurotransmitter production, mood, libido, metabolism, and other important issues. If you have a family risk or are at all concerned about Alzheimer's I suggest you read both Brain Grain and Brain Maker. They are the best books I have read concerning optimal brain health.

here is a link to a recent podcast with Dr. Perlmutter

best of health,


Saturday, April 25, 2015


I have had 3 back surgeries in 6 years and with the first two surgeries my recovery consisted of lying in bed, pain, and depression.    When you have pain it changes who you are.  I ate my feelings. It probably didn’t help that I live very close to Iceburg and ate a shake every time I hurt or felt bad. This last surgery I decided to do something different. I began nutrition coaching with Emmett, he told me to move. Move every single day.  Didn’t matter what it was, just move.  Then he worked on what I ate.  Every day I log in and put in what I eat and he tracks it.  He is with you every single day.  Not just once or twice a week, every single day you hear from him.   It keeps you accountable and makes you feel like he cares.
I have never felt this good in years.  I don’t hurt.  I am moving, eating good food and oh yeah, LOOSING WEIGHT! (8 weeks - 24 pounds)

Thank you Emmett, you have changed my life.

LP (48, female)

The NUTRITION COACHING PROGRAM is convenient and all done online, it works as follows

No perfect diet for everyone. However, there are basic principles of nutrition that will improve your health and help you reach your goals.

Exercise and Nutrition information and daily feedback from me.

Introduction and implementation of healthy lifestyle habits.

Personal accountability and support (unlimited email support).

Weekly shopping tips that will save you $$ on Healthy Food (Sprouts Market and Amazon).

The cost is $99 per month, which you will most likely save in food costs.

If you are interested or know someone who could benefit from this program send me an email.

best of health,

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


 Have an ORGANIC VEGETABLE GARDEN. If you really want to improve your physical and mental health, this is the most important thing you can do this spring.

If you live around Salt Lake, Wasatch Community Gardens has their plant sale coming up.

Sat May 7th

Also, Traces Organic Garden has seedlings available right now.

best of health,


Saturday, March 28, 2015


 New research shows insulin resistance in the brain can lead to Alzheimer's and Dementia. What can you do?

1. Sugar and Carbohydrate consumption lead to insulin production. This can lead to inflammation and plaque buildup in the brain. Eating a diet lower in sugar and high glycemic carbohydrates can prevent and reverse this process.

2.Exercise - Exercise helps to improve insulin sensitivity throughout your brain and body. Move every day. Any activity that gets you moving and your heart rate elevated works fine. This is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your physical and mental health. 20 or more minutes a day is great.

2. High DHA Fish Oil. DHA has been shown to help protect your brain and neurological processes. Often referred to as high dose or pharmaceutical grade fish oil. Easy to find in health food stores or amazon.

3. Probiotics and Prebiotics. Strange as it is, there is increasing evidence that the bacteria that lives in you gut can affect you brain health. Probably by preventing inflammation throughout your body. Probiotics are good bacteria found in your GI tract. You can increase these levels by eating foods with live and active cultures (yogurt, kefir, kombucha, fermented foods and/or a probiotic supplement. Prebiotics are greens, garlic, onions, chicory root, inulin, etc. 

best of health, 


Saturday, March 21, 2015


What are the best oils to cook with, use for marinades, salad dressings, saute, etc.? Here is a short guide. 

1. Don't use trans fats for anything as they increase your risk for coronary heart disease, dementia, and other health problems. These are not natural fats but are generally produced artificially in food production. Generally vegetable and seed oils are used in this process of hydrogenation (very bad for your health), 

2. Monounsaturated Fats and Oils (MUFA). These oils are generally known for their positive health benefits and are usually associated with the mediterranean diet. These oils include olive, avocado, grapeseed, and macadamia nut oil. They are great for marinades, salad dressings, sauteing, and cooking. There seems to be some controversy on high heat cooking with extra virgin olive. Here is an article describing why it is relatively safe. 

3. Saturated Fats and Oils. These are very stable and are the most resistant to oxidation at  high heat. In my opinion Coconut Oil and Grass Fed Butter are the best to cook at high heat with, and have many positive health benefits (especially for your brain). In the past 40 years they have an undeserved bad health reputation, however the  Feds and Conventional Medicine have finally started to come around. 

4, Polyunsaturated Fats and Oils (PUFA). Should not be used for any type of cooking. These include all vegetable and seed oils (corn, soybean, canola, sunflower, etc.)  These oils are oxidized with heat and can cause your good cholesterol (HDL) to be converted to bad cholesterol (certain types of LDL). Another problem is these oils generally contain trans fats as they are highly processed. 

Fish Oil is a type of PUFA that is great for your brain health because it is high in omega 3 fatty acids and DHA, however it should not be used for cooking for the same reasons. 

best of health, 


Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Cleveland Clinic "You Can Eat Fat If You Choose Wisely"

  The worm has really turned. Go ahead and eat fat! just not trans fat (hydrogenated man made fat).

SATURATED, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated (especially omega 3) are all ok. The nations most well respected heart clinic has completely changed their tune.

  The advice from Dr. Gundry, Dr. Davis, Dr. Perlmutter (much of which is 10 years old) is probably the way to go. EAT REAL FOOD. NOT PROCESSED FOOD

 best of health,


Saturday, February 28, 2015

Food of the Week - AVOCADO and AVOCADO OIL

  Avocado's are one of natures superfoods.
1. They contain primarily monounsaturated fats along with over 20 important nutrients including fiber, vitamin a, b vitamins, potassium (more than twice that of a banana). Diets high in monounsaturated fats have been shown to reduce belly fat.
2. Can raise HDL  cholesterol and lower triglycerides, both of which are very positive.
3. Monounsaturated fats help your mitochondria run more efficiently and help protect them from free radicals.
4. According to the CDC eating half an avocado a day was correlated to a higher dietary quality and 50% reduced rick of metabolic syndrome (pre-diabetes).
5. Avocado oil has the highest smoke point of any vegetable oil so it works great for high heat cooking.
6. Researchers at Ohio State found avocado oil improves the absorption of antioxidants found in vegetables. Great for salad dressings.
7. Fills you up. Avocado's work great with salads because they take longer to digest and help keep you satiated.

Best of Health,


Saturday, February 21, 2015

New CHOLESTEROL Guidelines from the FEDS

 Most of my blog posts are mainly information that will hopefully help you to improve your health. This one is very personal. Headline from the Washington Post this week "The US goverment is poised to withdraw longstanding warnings about cholesterol"

  Really? What's next. are they going to advise us to quit smoking.  Their low fat, high carbohydrate diet has precipitated a huge rise in obesity, diabetes, heart disease, alzheimer's, cancer, etc,.  My father had several of these conditions when he died and his quality of life was nonexistent. He ate the standard low fat high carbohydrate diet recommended by the American Heart Association and his health suffered for it, as did the health and wellness of  many others. Luckily for me, my mom did not buy into any of this B.S., I was raised on a diet of mostly unprocessed natural foods (fruits, veggies, grass fed beef, pastured eggs, fish, etc.), nothing that was processed or out of a box. Thank You Mom, my health is great.
  The internet can a very good educational tool, do your research and make your own decisions. If you blindly follow the advice on the USDA, AHA, ADA, etc., your health and quality of life will likely suffer. The system is very corrupt and controlled by large food and drug corporations. Your health is not their first priority, $$ is.

Take Control of your health. In the words of Michael Pollan "Eat Real Food, Not Too Much, Mostly Plants."

Here are some good resources related to nutrition and health.

best of health,

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Dr. Gundry Latest on Nutrition

  Most of you know Dr. Steven Gundry from past blogs and also his book "Dr. Gundry's Diet Evolution" written in 2009. Here is a book review I did in 2011, it remains one of my favorite health and nutrition books. 

  I listened to a great podcast with Dr. Gundry today and hopefully you will have a chance to listen to it. It covers a wide range of topics including:
- improving your health by eating food
- why the best diet is  low in carbs and protein, and high in FAT
- cholesterol, small ldl vs. big ldl, triglycerides
- eating egg yolks will raise HDL levels
- cholesterol has nothing to do with heart disease
- APOE4 (it is a genotype often referred to as the alzheimers gene)
   30% of the population have this gene and should avoid animal fats 
- never been a case of arthritis recorded before 10,000 years ago, what this means
- eat FAT

enjoy, below is the podcast

best of health,


Saturday, January 31, 2015

Avoiding Dementia - Good News

 Dementia (Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, etc) is the fastest growing disease in America. I'm sure each of us knows someone who is afflicted. It can be a devastating not only to the person who has it but also to all of the friends and family. It will become the most costly disease in America due to the amount of care needed. How can you avoid it. 

BDNF (Growth Hormone for the Brain) - If you increase your levels you will decrease your risk for dementia. There are 3 primary ways to increase BDNF.

1. Exercise - 20 minutes per day. Whatever type you like as long as your heart rate is elevated. Walk, bike, swim, hike, dance, circuit weight train, etc. 

2. High DHA Fish Oil. Often referred to as high dose or pharmaceutical grade fish oil. Easy to find in health food stores or amazon. 

3. Probiotics and Prebiotics. Probiotics are good bacteria found in your GI tract. You can increase these levels by eating foods with live and active cultures (yogurt, kefir, kombucha, fermented foods and/or a probiotic supplement. Prebiotics are greens, garlic, onions, chicory root, inulin, etc. 

Watch the following Video

best of health, 


Friday, January 9, 2015

Healthy Fast Food

  I am sure most of you know how I feel about processed, junk, fast, packaged food. It is garbage. However, there are better options out there all the time. Carl's Jr now has a grass fed, no antibiotic, no hormone burger on its menu, and you can get it in a lettuce wrap if you ask. The Natural Burger has a good flavor, is juicy, and only about $2 more than the regular burger. So if you are in a rush and looking for a good healthy option try it out.

best of health,