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Saturday, December 6, 2014

Holiday Weight Gain

  Studies show the average american gains about 2-3 pounds between Halloween and New Years. You would hardly even notice that. No big deal, you have the rest of the year to lose it. Wrong, most people don't ever lose it, so after 20 years you have gained 40-60 pounds. Estimates are that 90% of adult Americans will be overfat or obese by the year 2050. Sugar is a drug and we have become a nation of addicts. No way can our society afford the cost that goes with this. What to do?

1. Quit eating sugar or anything that immediately breaks down to sugar in our stomach. Your will be amazed at how much better you feel. Here are some tips that can help you get started.

  For further reading my favorite book on this subject is Brain Grain by Dr. David Perlmutter.

best of health,


Wednesday, November 5, 2014


 Dr. Robert Lustig will be giving a free lecture at the University of Utah thursday at 6:00. If you haven't heard of Dr. Lustig, he became an internet sensation (over 10 million views) while giving a lecture called SUGAR: THE BITTER TRUTH. If you can't make it to see his lecture watch the following video.

Next Lecture:

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Title: Darwin, diet, disease, and dollars: how the sugar in processed foods changed society

Featuring Dr. Robert Lustig, Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology, Director of the Weight Assessment for Teen and Child Health (WATCH) Program, and Member of the Institute for Health Policy Studies at UCSF

Abstract: The Western diet is a primary factor in the etiology of metabolic syndrome. This lecture will explain the two phenomena most closely associated with the metabolic syndrome; that is, leptin resistance, which leads to obesity; and insulin resistance, which leads to chronic metabolic disease (diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease; and likely cancer and dementia as well). In each case, we will explore the specific relation between dietary sugar and the pathogeneses of these two phenomena, in order to explain how these two processes, which in the past were adaptive, but which in our current dietary environment have become maladaptive. These maladaptations belie our current global pandemic of chronic metabolic disease, which threatens the healthcare budget of every country. We will also investigate how the food industry has usurped these evolutionary mechanisms for their own purposes, in order to foment continued consumption and our current global health crisis.

Next Lecture:

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Title: Darwin, diet, disease, and dollars: how the sugar in processed foods changed society

Featuring Dr. Robert Lustig, Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology, Director of the Weight Assessment for Teen and Child Health (WATCH) Program, and Member of the Institute for Health Policy Studies at UCSF

Abstract: The Western diet is a primary factor in the etiology of metabolic syndrome. This lecture will explain the two phenomena most closely associated with the metabolic syndrome; that is, leptin resistance, which leads to obesity; and insulin resistance, which leads to chronic metabolic disease (diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease; and likely cancer and dementia as well). In each case, we will explore the specific relation between dietary sugar and the pathogeneses of these two phenomena, in order to explain how these two processes, which in the past were adaptive, but which in our current dietary environment have become maladaptive. These maladaptations belie our current global pandemic of chronic metabolic disease, which threatens the healthcare budget of every country. We will also investigate how the food industry has usurped these evolutionary mechanisms for their own purposes, in order to foment continued consumption and our current global health crisis.

Saturday, October 18, 2014


  "Every Hour We Sit We Lose Two Hours Of Our Lives"   Dr. James Levine, Mayo Clinic

  Do the math on that, it is very scary. What can you do to fight this in a world which is very sedentary. I am writing this from a standing work station. The answer is intermittent movement. The following is a copy of a presentation I did for Duke Corporate Education. If you or anyone would like more information on this topic or a presentation for your business please contact me.

Personal Trainer: Emmett Murphy


1. Sitting is the New Smoking

Movement is key to protecting both your physical and mental health (improved blood flow).

Researchers at Harvard and Stanford reviewed hundreds of studies and found that exercise
benefits are better than prescription drugs related to mortality and morbidity of heart
disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity, certain cancers, etc. EXERCISE is the best option to improve your

 Exercise can positively effect you body and brain in many positive ways.

1. Maintain Muscle Mass - very important for your metabolism, bone health, and preventing
age related strength and function. Weight bearing exercise will reduce your risk of

2. Brain Health - can reduce your risk of cognitive impairment by up to 50% by increasing
blood flow and also stimulating neurogenesis (increased nerve cell production). Exercise
can help decrease symptoms of mild to moderate forms of depression while also reducing
stress and anxiety.

3. Heart and Lung Health - can improve the functioning of both your heart and lungs. Will
also aid in diabetes (type 2) prevention, lower your risk of coronary heart disease, lower
blood pressure, reduce bad cholesterol (LDL), and increase good cholesterol (HDL).

 Non Exercise Movement

Sitting is the new smoking. The more you sit, the poorer your health, and the earlier you
may die even if you exercise regularly. Sitting stimulates a low gravity environment and your
body deteriorates at a more rapid pace. What can you do?

1. Move - walk whenever you can. (no elevator

2. Stand Up at Regular Intervals - Stand and Move at regular intervals when you are sitting
for long periods of time.


2. Basic Office Exercises (We will all do these)

These can be done multiple times per day.

Squats            Quadriped

Lunges           Mountain Climber

Press ups       Step Ups

Windmill         Jumping Jacks

Walk the Stairs

3. Tips

Use a Headset and Stand or Walk when on the phone.

If possible convert to a standing work station.

Take the Stairs (always!)

Park as far away as you can.

Move Every Hour - do not sit longer than 1 hour without moving (stairs, squats, hurdlers

stretch, etc.)

4. Exercise vigorously 4-6 days per week (even 15 minutes

Lift Weights 2-4 times per week

5. Eat Real Food - Organic, Unprocessed, Wild Caught, Grass Fed, etc.

Recommended Books and Websites

Wheat Belly - Dr. Davis

Brain Grain - Dr. Perlmutter

The Paleo Diet Revised - Dr. Cordain

Dr. Gundry's New Evolution Diet

Eat, Move, Sleep - Rath

The Primal Blueprint - Sisson

6. Questions - ?

best of health,


Saturday, September 27, 2014


  Another reason to eat real food, the large food companies have learned a few things from the cigarette companies, mainly how to manipulate ingredients and make their products (I won't call them food) highly addictive. A chicken sandwich at Carl's Jr. has over 100 ingredients (most of these are not really good for you or remotely food related). General Mills strawberry fruit snacks don't even contain strawberries. I bet you can't even pronounce most of the ingredients.

  This mass consumption of these chemical laced fake foods can lead to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, alzheimer's, etc.....

  What can you do?  Fight with your pocket book. Buy real food, support your farmers market, shop at a local food co-op, grow a garden. Not only will you be healthier but you will also have peace of mind knowing that you are not poisoning your loved ones.

best of health,


Saturday, September 13, 2014

Brain Health

New Info on Brain Health

  The cost of alzheimer's disease  in the US is now over $250 billion per year. It is the most expensive condition in the nation and also the fastest growing. Yet, it is preventable. Listen to the following podcast with Dr. David Perlmutter as he talks about the latest research and how you can prevent alzheimer's and other types of dementia. He shares recent research including Tufts School of Medicine that a high carbohydrate diet is associated with a 89% increased risk of dementia, while a high fat diet decreases your risk by 44%. If you are concerned with brain health and dementia please listen to the following interview.

 In addition to nutrition, exercise if one of the best things you can do for your brain (any type of exercise that you like).

best of health,


Tuesday, July 22, 2014


  Looking to eat more veggies. I am not the greatest cook but the veggie spiralizer really helps turn your summer veggies into a great meal. . The spiralizer allows you to turn zucchini, cucumbers, carrots, etc., into a very healthy meal. Once you shred the veggie into noodles just add olive oil, salsa, spices, or whatever you want into a healthy low carb meal. IF you want protein just add a couple of eggs, cold shrimp, etc.. Takes about 1 minute to shred each vegetable and is easy to clean.
  I am not an expert gardener either, however along the Wasatch Front, Kale and Zucchini are two crops that give you a big yield with a minimum amount or work.

best of health,


Sunday, July 20, 2014


  There are many physical and mental benefits to hiking. It is my number one activity and I will definitely vouch for the following benefits. It is something almost anyone can do,  if you have knee or back problems hiking with poles will often help. If you live in the Wasatch Front there are literally hundreds of hiking trails within 60 minutes.

best of health,


Thursday, June 26, 2014

EAT more FAT!

  The latest time magazine cover  "Eat Butter",  is the war on fat over? For the past half century saturated fat and cholesterol have been vilified as the primary cause of heart disease. During that time Americans have gone from 30% overweight to almost 80% overweight. The experts got it wrong. Fat is not the problem. Processed foods, sugar, refined carbohydrates, processed carbohydrates, anything that immediately breaks down into sugar is the problem. Over consumption of refined carbohydrates leads to type II diabetes, heart disease, dental disease, autoimmune problems. dementia, alzheimer's, cancers, etc.

The  fat you really need to avoid is trans fat (artificial fat). If you see the word hydrogenated this means trans. You won't find trans fat in REAL food. Vegetable oils are also a problem. They are often processed to trans fats by hydrogenating them at high temps. They also are made from genetically modified crops such as corn, soy, canola, etc. They contain high amounts of Omega 6 fatty acids which can lead to inflammation and other health problems. You need saturated fat (animal fat, coconut oil, shellfish) and cholesterol for hormone production as well as the health of you brain, nervous system, and immune system. Monounsaturated fat (think olive oil, nuts, seeds, etc.) provides protection from heart disease and several types of cancer. Omega 3 fatty acids found in fish are very important to your brain health (wild salmon, krill oil, cold water fish oil). Omega 3 fatty acids found in nuts and seeds (chia and flax seeds especially) can help maintain a normal metabolism.

  The answer is to eat REAL,  unprocessed food. Eat fruits and vegetables, organic if you are eating the skin. Eat animal products that are wild caught, grass fed, pastured, etc. Cows, buffalo, elk, etc.  are herbivores, they are meant to eat grass, not corn and soy. Buy grass fed whenever possible. Fish are meant to eat bugs, worms, algae, etc., buy wild caught fish. If you don't have access to wild caught fish buy high potency fish or krill oil, this is a great source of omega 3 fatty acids. Chickens are omnivores, they are meant to eat bugs, seeds, grass, whatever they can scratch up, buy pastured eggs (from chickens that are out in the fields). Eat a variety of nuts and seeds, organic if possible. Eat coconut, it is extremely healthy and tasty, eat only organic grass fed butter, yogurt and kefir. Drink only grass fed, organic milk, or substitute almond or coconut milk.


best of health,


Wednesday, June 4, 2014



  Almost 80% of Americans are obese or overweight. WHY? There are gyms and diet programs everywhere. There can be medical issues such as hypothyroidism, side effects of medications, hormonal changes, etc. There are many reasons from a socioeconomic standpoint, fast food, candy, soda, convenience stores, junk food, etc.. From a physiological standpoint the primary reason we get fat is insulin. Insulin is produced by your pancreas in response to rising blood sugar. At high levels insulin acts like a drug and converts most of your food intake into body fat. If you control your insulin production you will reduce your body fat. If you control your insulin you can solve many health related issues. Many Dr.'s feel that fasting insulin is most important blood test you can get. 

1. Eat less carbofydrates. Our body produces insulin in response to dietary sugars, grains, etc., any food that has a large number of carbohydrates per serving has  a high glycemic load (measure of the sugar content per serving). Avoid foods which go into double digits for their glycemic load. In general leafy green veggies, most fruits, and foods high in protein and fat, have a low glycemic load.

2. Eat More Fiber. Try and slow down your daily intake of sugars by eating  fiber-rich meals.  Consume meals that consist  of beans, fruits, and especially vegetables. 

3. Eat More Fat. Yes, there are "healthy" fats out there (monounsaturated, omega 3 polyunsaturated, and saturated, but you just have to research to find the real kind (not trans fats, not omega 6 polyunsaturated such as corn oil, vegetable oils , soybean oil, margerine, etc.). Saturated fats have been vilified for last 30 years but actually they are good for you, because your body needs a consistent amount each day. Saturated fats are the building blocks for most hormones, especially the ones that promote extra fat loss. They also promote neurogenesis (development of nerve and brain matter) which can help improve brain function (read the book Brain Grain). 

4. Sleep. More sleep means stable insulin levels, improved hormone production, and less appetite. Try to consistently get at least 7 hours per night.  Research has shown that less then 6 hours can lead to increased body fat levels. 

best of health, 

Sunday, April 27, 2014


another great reason to have an organic garden

  Have you ever met a gardener who didn't seem happy and well adjusted. Neither have I.

  M.  Vaccae. This is a bacterium which is found in organic soil and compost. You breathe it while working around this type of soil. It can generally have a positive effect on your brain by increasing your levels of serotonin and stimulating neurogenesis. It is like an antidepressant without the side effects. M. vaccae can improve  mood and decrease anxiety levels. You also get a boost to your immune system. M.  vaccae has a positive effect on inflammatory disease such as asthma, cancer, eczema, IBS, etc.

  Here are some reasons to have and organic garden.

1. M Vaccae.

2. Vit D. Working outside in nature and sunshine can increase you natural Vit D. levels.

3. Movement.  Gardening involves movement in all planes of motion and is good for your muscular endurance, functional strength, balance, etc.

4. Family.  Great way to spend time with your friends and family.

5. Food.   You can grow your own nutritious and delicious food.


Easy to get started.

best of health



Saturday, April 5, 2014

Top Reasons to Lift Weights

Why Lift Weights?

  Resistance training can improve your health in many ways, both physical and mental. Here are a few of the top reasons to lift weights on a regular basis (2 or more times per week).

Lose More Fat  -  Gain More Muscle -  Increased Metabolism

  Weight Training can increase your resting metabolic rate by increasing your lean mass (muscle, bone, connective tissue), improve insulin sensitivity and glucose control. Your clothes will fit better because you have less fat and more muscle. As we age our metabolic rate declines, this can help to reduce the decline. 

Improve Functional Ability

  Weight Training can improve your balance and coordination. This can help you improve skiing, golf, tennis, hiking, etc. The best types of exercises are functional.

Increase Testosterone and HGH

  Testosterone and HGH production decline with age. Lifting Weights will reduce the amount of decline. This generally has an anti-aging effect. 

Reduce Injuries

  Weight Training can help improve your bone density as well as strengthen muscles, joints, ligaments and tendons. This will reduce your risk of osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and can help reduce injuries from activities and aging. 

Improve Mood and Cognitive Function

  Very important benefit that is often overlooked. Resistance Training can improve your mood, cognitive ability, reduce anxiety, improve sleep and self esteem. 

best of health 


Sunday, March 2, 2014


  Eating a wide variety of fruits and veggies is a great way to improve you overall health. Ideally, locally grown organic will offer the most nutritional value. If you are eating the skin of a particular fruit or vegetable, try and buy organic if you can. Here is a list of the dirty dozen and clean fifteen fruits and veggies.  Eating a wide variety of colors will provide a range of vitamins, minerals, fiber, phytochemicals, and other micronutrients. Eating also involves sight, smell, and texture, a variety of fruits and veggies can enhance your eating pleasure. One way to add variety is to buy the sale items each week, this will save you money and force you to try new fruits and veggies.

Here is a quick breakdown on the colors.

Blue - lowers risk of certain cancers, promotes health aging including memory.
  blueberries, blackberries, cocoa, eggplant, etc.

White - lowers risk of certain cancers, healthy heart, healthy immune system.
  garlic, onions, green tea, white tea, coconut, etc.

Green - lowers risk of certain cancers, good vision, healthy bones and teeth.
  salad greens, kale, spinach, broccoli, chard, etc. etc.

Red -  lowers risk of certain cancers, heart and brain health
  tomatoes, strawberries, cherries, pomegranates, etc.

Yellow - lowers risk of certain cancers, heart and eye health, healthy immune system.
  yams, peaches, ginger, squash, etc.

best of health


Sunday, February 9, 2014

Prebiotics and Probiotics (Resistant Starch)

  PROBIOTICS - Our bodies are made up of trillions of cells, only 10% are actually human while the rest are primarily microbial (gut bacteria, 100 trillion). These probiotics are microbes  have been shown in hundreds of studies to have a positive impact on obesity, heart disease, depression, diabetes, immune function, and gastrointestinal health. In general the healthier your gut bacteria the better your overall health will be. Probiotics can be consumed as fermented foods as well as yogurt, kefir, kombucha, etc. Look for "active live cultures" on the label. Things that have a negative effect on probiotics are sugar, refined grains, processed foods, pollution, antibiotics, pesticides and herbicides.

  PREBIOTICS (Resistant Starch) - The new kid on the block, probably more important than probiotics. They are indigestible carbohydrates (RS) which feed the probiotics. RS is turned into short chain fatty acids (scfa) in the large intestine.  They can help improve digestion, insulin sensitivity,  immunity,  mood, and increase satiety. RS has also been shown to reduce your risk of both colon and breast cancer. Food sources include green bananas, green leafy veggies, garlic, onions, legumes, , raw potato starch, chicory root (often found in fiber type bars). Here is a list of foods with their RS levels

  Both of these are easy to incorporate into your daily diet and can really improve your overall health.

best of health


Saturday, January 25, 2014

Teenager Loses 100 Pounds Eating Real Food

  Joshua Weissman was on obese teenager, which is more the norm today. He decided to take control of his health and lost over 100 pounds in about a year by eating real food and eating low carb. Listen to the following podcast, it is very inspiring.

The following link compares 23 studies on low carb and low fat diets related to weight loss and common risk factors like cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood sugar. The results speak for themselves.

Speaking of real food, utah  food co-op provides organic seasonal produce, pastured eggs, grass fed beef, gluten free foods, etc., at very good prices, much  provided by local family farms.

Hours are thurs 11-2, fri and sat 11-6.

Mention this blog and receive a free cocunut water.

best of health,


Saturday, January 11, 2014


  Researchers at Harvard and Stanford reviewed hundreds of studies and found that exercise benefits are better than prescription drugs related to mortality and morbidity of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity, etc. EXERCISE  is the best option to improve your health.
  Exercise can positively effect you body and brain in many positive ways.
1. Maintain Muscle Mass - very important for your metabolism, bone health, and preventing age related strength and function. Weight bearing exercise will reduce your risk of osteoporosis.
2. Brain Health - can reduce your risk of cognitive impairment by up to 50% by increasing blood flow and also stimulating neurogenesis (increased nerve cell production). Exercise can help decrease symptoms of mild to moderate forms of depression while also reducing stress and anxiety.
3. Heart and Lung Health - can improve the functioning of both your heart and lungs. Will also aid in diabetes (type 2) prevention, lower your risk of coronary heart disease, lower blood pressure, reduce bad cholesterol (LDL), and increase good cholesterol (HDL).

  Non Exercise Movement
Sitting is the new smoking. The more you sit, the poorer your health, and the earlier you may die even if you exercise regularly. Sitting stimulates and low gravity environment and your body deteriorates at a more rapid pace. What can you do?
1. Move - walk whenever you can.
2. Stand Up at Regular Intervals - Stand and Move at regular intervals when you are sitting for long periods of time.



Saturday, January 4, 2014



Tracking Morbidity and Mortality

   WHR is a measure of waist circumference relative to hip circumference. WHR is a significant predictor of morbidity and mortality related to type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, coronary heart disease, and certain types of cancer. This ratio is very easy to measure, waist measurement is typically taken right above the navel the hip measurement is the greatest circumference around the glutes. WHR values of greater than 0.9 for men and 0.85 for women are a very serious risk to your health. The more abdominal fat you have, the greater your risk. If you are trying to improve your health reducing, your WHR is a significant way to do it. 

   Most of the following books recommend to reduce your abdominal fat the number one thing you can do is reduce the amount of processed sugar, simple carbohydrates,  and all grains.

Brain Grain by Dr. David Perlmutter
Dr. Gundry's Diet Evolution
Wheat Belly by Dr. Davis
It Starts With Food by Dallas and Melissa Hartwig
In Defense of Food byMichael Pollan
Living Low Carb by Jonny Bowden PHD
The Whole Country of Sweden
etc, etc, etc

Good Health in 2014
